Environmental Sector

Environmental services are often provided alongside other services, whether civil or related to renewable design.

Thanks to the experience of our technicians but also to the collaboration with various professionals throughout Italy, SCS is able to provide:

  • Constraint analysis;
  • Feasibility Study;
  • Landscape Assessment;
  • Visual/landscape impact studies;
  • Acoustic Impact Assessments;
  • Due Diligence;
  • Environmental Impact Studies;
  • Impact studies on biodiversity;
  • Agronomic, Pedo-agronomic relations;
  • Forestal reports and studies;
  • Environmental Impact Assessment;
  • Birdlife and Chiroptera Monitoring and Impact studies;
  • Electromagnetic Impact Assessment;
  • Archaeology Services (VIARCH, Archaeological Essays Plan…);
  • Geological Studies;
  • Geognostic tests and tests;
  • Hydraulic/Hydrological Studies;

Open jobs positions
Registered offices, operations and administrative offices
Via F.do Ayroldi 10
Tel. +39 0831 336390
Tel. +39 0831 1795235
Tel. +39 0831 367585
Fax +39 0831 336390