Geotechnical engineering services

SCS Ingegneria S.r.l. offers geotechnical engineering services, supporting projects of every size and scope.
Our experienced teams of registered Professional Engineers are qualified, equipped, and prepared to provide the following geotechnical engineering services:
  • Foundation Design:
    spread (shallow) footings: pad, strip and raft foundations;
    piles (deep foundations): driven piles, drilled piles, pressure injected footings, pile foundation systems.
  • Tests on piles:
    tests on test piles with the use of suitable equipment.
  • Retaining Structures:
    retaining walls, gravity walls, bulkheads, reinforced soil, consolidation of embankments and natural engineering works.

Open jobs positions
Registered offices, operations and administrative offices
Via Ayroldi 10
Tel. +39 0831 336390
Tel. +39 0831 1795235
Tel. +39 0831 367585
Fax +39 0831 336390