SCS Ingegneria

SCS Ingegneria is born in 2005 as an evolution of the Studio Cavallo-Sergi, operating in Ostuni since 1985. 

By the will of the 4 partners – two couples of brothers, the Studio expands in terms of professionals and engineering services provided.

Nowadays, SCS has 5 offices around the world and more than 30 highly skilled resources, specialized in the different fields of engineering and related subjects.

During the years, SCS has refined its know-how, in particular in the fields of Renewables and Aeronautics, being able to boast long-term business relationships with the main players on the market.

Our clients praise us for our high-quality services and expertise, often relying on us for the resolution of complex situations or for designs which require a multi-disciplinary approach, with the goal to get to the best results quickly and efficiently.  

Energy Sector

Aeronautical Sector

Civil Sector

Environmental Sector

Open jobs positions
Registered offices, operations and administrative offices
Via Ayroldi 10
Tel. +39 0831 336390
Tel. +39 0831 1795235
Tel. +39 0831 367585
Fax +39 0831 336390